Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Fun

We love to go to Gardiner Village in the fall and "spy" all the witches.

Landon wouldn't get anywhere near this spider. He must get that from me.

This is my favorite! Landon trying to mimick the witch.

We took a drive up Millcreek Canyon to take a look at the beautiful fall leaves.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lexi turns 6

Princess for a Day

Her present from g-ma & g-pa Coops was perfect for the party!

The royal guests made their own tiaras and crowns

A princess for a princess!

Rescue the princess game

A true prince can tell the difference between store bought and homemade!

A princess cake destined to be devoured

Looks like it was a hit! Lexi is definitely the princess of our family. She is such a sweetheart and we love her so much. Happy birthday Lex!