Seven years after leaving Indiana, we were finally able to make our way back to the midwest. As soon as we found out that the Utes were playing the Irish, we started making plans for this trip. We thought it would be fun to take the whole family along! We were all a little sleep deprived by the end of the trip (some of us more than others), but it was totally worth it.

Here are the kiddos waiting for our flight to leave SLC. It was a first plane ride for all the kids! Lexi and Landon fought over who got to sit by the window so we split up, and not halfway through the flight Landon fell asleep! So much for the view.

The kids loved using the hotel crib as a playroom

Mark and I in front of our apartment

It was a beautiful day Friday afternoon and we spent a couple hours walking around on campus. Here is the Golden Dome.

Inside the Golden Dome. The trumpet section of the ND band plays the fight song inside the building. It is really loud, but the kids had fun watching and listening to this fun tradition!

Kids playing in the fall leaves. They were happy to get out of the car and run around after the drive from Chicago.

Outside the bookstore. It was too crazy inside for two rambunctious kids and a stroller!

I was able to go to a surprise birthday party for a good friend and former co-worker while I was there. He was so surprised to see me! It was fun catching up with him and his family!

Nieves, Sherrie and their kids Lauren and Brayden. Brayden had enough of taking pictures so that is him in the corner playing with a toy.

The kids made fast friends and loved playing together!

Game day on campus! Us in front of "Touchdown Jesus" (the library).

Kids in front of "First Down Moses"

At the MBA tailgate. It started to rain, but wasn't very cold!

At the stadium in the north endzone. Our tickets weren't the best, and Landon said,"Next time can you tell them not to put us way in the back?"

It rained the entire first half, and Lexi's face pretty much sums up how they felt about being there!

Our wonderful friends the Crowders who gave us the best accommodations!

Together with the Trytkos! Chris and Abby were very kind to watch Brennan for us while we went to the game.

There is a path that goes around this little lake on campus. Mark and I used to walk around it all the time. So even though it was cold and windy, we made the kids walk around it. They actually enjoyed it!

Our amazingly delicious Chicago pizza at Giordanos. This pizza is a must have if you are ever in Chicago!

The kids at Shedd Aquarium watching the dolphins swim.

Playing in the submarine!

Mark and the kids in front of the Chicago skyline. (I was in the car with a sleeping baby) It was a fun trip and I hope that the kids will remember it!