Saturday, March 13, 2010

Brennan Mark joins our Family

Brennan was born on Feb. 22 just after 1:00 in the afternoon.
He came out screaming, which is a good sign, but was also a sign of things to come.
True to the Parry infant tradition, Brennan is colicky!

He weighed in at:
Big brother and sister meet him for the first time.
I was very happy that the hospital visiting policy recently changed so that
my kids could visit me and the baby.
All bundled up and ready to go home.

He is definitely a cutie, and looks exactly like Landon.

Brennan meets his cousin Ali for the first time.

She is exactly 4 weeks older than him, but is clearly twice the size!

The days continue to melt into each other. I am still in a sleep-deprived fog

most of the time, but have somehow made it through the first 3 weeks!

Brennan is our precious little baby boy and we are so happy to have him as part of our family!


Tevis and Katie said...

Congrats!!!! Glad all is well w/ you, the baby and the family.

Our Northern Exposure said...

Hey Shell! Congrats!!! He is adorable.You have such a beautiful family.
We moved our blog if you still want to follow. It's
Hope your family is doing well.
-Erika (Briggs) Guymon

Adrienne said...

Shelley, It has been so long! We need to get together sometime now that we are back in Utah. Brennan is adorable..congratulations!
All the kids are getting so big!

lil'Coop said...

hey Shelly, this is Tyler, your niece from Montana! I adore the blog! the pictures of Brennen and wish i could come down to see you, but i have plenty to do this summer. I hope i make it down anyways!